Check out these AMAZING cosplayers!
The Dragon Prince is officially one year old, and we’re celebrating one year by showcasing some of the incredibly talented fans in our cosplay community! The Dragon Prince crew is absolutely floored at the craft and creativity put into every one of these. Thank you all so much!

Rayla by sweetfox.cosplay. Photography by Jaywanmei.

Gren by Dabney, Amaya by Rae West. Photography by Kenny Letelier. All three also featured in this post’s header image!

Callum by Miss Elisa, Photography by legs_mccoy.

Callum by Miss Elisa, Claudia by legs_mccoy. Photo by Sweetalissum.

Ezran by Riyuski. Photography by Ethereouss.

Runaan cosplay and editing by Lucius De’Ahrel. Photography by Marik De’Ahrel.

Rayla by Sarah De’Ahrel, Runaan by Lucius De’Ahrel. Photography by candyfoxtography.

Viren by Marik De’Ahrel. Photography by candyfoxtography.

Claudia by Jibriel Aquae, Viren by Marik De’Ahrel. Photo by Vanity Art Photography.

Callum by RookiesWorks, Photography by zombiehuntercpp.

Rayla by Mist. Photography by IanTheFifth.

Aaravos by Mist. Photography by Athel Rogers.

King Harrow by Gabe Hicks.

King Harrow with extremely on brand mug by Gabe Hicks.

Claudia by Jessikarah. Photography by Lindsarie.

Soren by Cicero. Photography by Thiefmaster.

Claudia by Leylaleya, Soren by Cicero. Photo by Thiefmaster.

Runaan by Skyannso. Photography by Low Cosplay.

Rayla by Low Cosplay, Runaan by Skyannso. Photography by IM Photographie.

Claudia by grown.up.child. Photography by Eowynya Photography.

Callum by bettysbrotbox, Claudia by grown.up.child. Photography by Annikaneki.
If you’re inspired to try your own cosplay and looking for reference, you can check out turnarounds and models for most of The Dragon Prince characters right here on this website. Just type the character name into the search bar!
Thank you all so much for supporting us through this first year, and here’s to many more to come!