Join series co-creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond, executive producer Villads Spangsberg, voice actors Jack De Sena (Callum) and Paula Burrows (Rayla), and special community guest Hailey Karter (Cartoon Universe) this month at San Diego Comic-Con 2023 for “The Dragon Prince: ALL ABOARD for Season 5” panel!

The next chapter of The Dragon Prince saga sets sail this July on Netflix! Find out what new adventures await you (and your favorite characters) in SEASON 5—then join our series cast, crew, and creators for a special community celebration and open Q&A.

WHAT: The Dragon Prince: ALL ABOARD for Season 5 panel
WHEN: Saturday, July 22 at 2:45pm PT
WHERE: San Diego Convention Center, Room 6BCF

(WARNING: This panel is strictly limited to landlubbing con attendees only. Due to recent threats of salty shenanigans, NO privateers, nautical criminals, or seafaring ne’er-do-wells of any kind will be permitted entry. Thank you for your understanding.)

Not attending SDCC? Don’t worry! While the panel itself won’t be streamed this year, you can still follow #TheDragonPrince on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest news and updates.

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